Monday 25 November 2013

Poetry Inspired by Laura Ranger

We read a poem by Laura Ranger today, then we noticed some of the things she did. We then explored outside to find some nouns and vebs about spring. These are some of the poems we wrote:

The wind talks to us using its morning whistle
Yellow flowers rise from its roots as we speak
Lambs frolic around in their green grassy paddocks
Children are playing like a piano at a music festival
By Madaleine

Trees bloom with laughter
as the blossom appears.
Lambs bounce on the flower
fields like a trampoline.
The sun sprinkles warmth on
the long grass.
Wind whispers in my ear as
the grass rustles.
By Kate

The sun shines over our flowers blooming
The lambs play on the grass
The trees are swaying in the sky
The children play in the fields
By Mannix

The snow dropped like flies
The snowman shone everywhere
The wind was as hard as a loader
The rain glistened as it came down
By Ty

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